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  • シンソツ カンゴシ ガ ニュウショク スル セイシンカ ビョウイン ノ トクチョウ
  • The Characteristics of Psychiatric Hospitals that(attracted )Newly-Graduated Nurses

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The current state of employment of nursing staff at psychiatric hospitals is beset with patient care problems such as of shortage of nurses and the increasing number of older nurses.Considering these situations, Nurse administrators in psychiatric hospitals are challenged to increase the number of younger nurses as a solution towards improving the staffing shortage thereby enhancing quality of nursing services. The purpose of this study was to clarify the characteristics of psychiatric hospitals that newly graduated nurses found to be a good place to practice their profession. A survey was conducted using a questionnaire which was provided to 277 sychiatric hospital nurse administrators. About 40% of the 234 hospitals administrators who responded employed newly graduated nurses. Employment of newly graduated nurses was significantly related to hospitals with 200 beds or more than 200 beds or less(x2 =35.37~13.75,φ=0.40~0.25, p<0.001). The characteristics of a psychiatric hospital where newly graduated nurse found to be a good place to practice their profession enters are as follow(: 1)Hospital Nursing staff taught courses in psychiatric nursing at the newly-graduated nurses nursing school/nursing college( 2)The students had their clinical experience at the particular psychiatric hospital and(3)The hospital has employed a Certified Nurse Specialist or Certified Nurse in Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing. A useful approach to the employment of newly graduated nurses in psychiatric hospitals were suggested as follow(: 1)To establish a procedure in which the essence and appeal of psychiatric nursing are recognized, such as promoting psychiatric clinical practice settings and providing staff to conduct lectures at particular nursing education institutions and(2)To nurture and recognize nurses who have become excellent role models.


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