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  • ノウソッチュウ シンダン ノ サイゼンセン
  • Diagnosis of acute stroke by MRI and biomarker

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Stroke Care Unit (SCU) in Tokushima University Hospital has been opened since November 1999. Patients with acute stroke in SCU were diagnosed by stroke MRI and biomarker immediately after their admission. Diffusion MRI could diagnose the ultra-acute ischemic and hemorrhagic lesion except brainstem ischemic lesion within 3 hrs after onset. Diffusion-Perfusion mismatch was useful to indicate intra-arterial thrombolytic therapy. 3T-MRI was introduced since March 2004,and it can measured functional MR spectroscopy and tractography more quickly compared to 1.5T-MRI. Plasma oxidized LDL in patients with acute cerebral infarction was significantly higher than that in healthy control and it became peak level during 3‐5 day after stroke onset. In conclusion, stroke MRI and plasma oxidized LDL are useful diagnostic tools for acute stroke.


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