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  • ジドウキ ノ ビョウガ ノウリョク ノ ハッタツ
  • The drawing development in childhood

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The purpose of this study is to examine the utility of Draw-A-Man (DAM) test from first to sixth grade children. DAM evaluates the abi1ity of each child. DAM was re-standardized in Japan in 1965. Since more than 40 years have passed,physical and psychological environments surrounding children have changed greatly. 678 children aged 6:5-12:5 years were asked to draw a picture of boy using the method of the DAM test. As a result of this study,three points became clear. First,DAM was useful to examine the measure of development ability from first to third grade children. Second, there is a great difference in ability among same grade children. Finally,the intelligence quotients of girls were higher than that of boys in DAM.


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