徳島県産国会議事堂大理石の研究 : その2.採掘関連聞き取り調査と検証

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  • トクシマ ケンサン コッカイ ギジドウ ダイリセキ ノ ケンキュウ ソノ 2 サイクツ カンレン キキトリ チョウサ ト ケンショウ
  • Marbles from Tokushima Prefecture, decorating the National Diet Building : Part 2: hearing data of the quarrying and their verification

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The hearing data were documented about the quarrying of marbles in Tokushima Prefecture for the construction of the National Diet Building (Nagata-cho, Chiyodaku, Tokyo). The seven marble brands, "Akebono", "Kito-ishi", "Hototogisu", "Kamo-sarasa", "Awayuki", "Kotajima" and "Shin-awayuki", which decorate the inner wall of the building, were quarried in Kisawa and Anan areas from late Taisho to early Showa period (1919-1935). The hearing has been carried out during 2004-2007 (mainly 2004-2005) in Tokushima Prefecture, and at Yabashi Marble Company Ltd. in Akasaka, Gifu Prefecture, as well as related research of quarries and marbles in the Diet Building, for the verification of hearing data.


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