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  • ケッカン ツイショウメツ ガ ユウキ スル エキショウ リュウドウ ダイ1ポウ ハイコウ ジョウタイ ト ケイサン セイド ノ カンケイ
  • Liquid Crystal Flow Induced by Annihilation of a Pair of Defects (1st Report, Relationship between Orientation State and Computation Accuracy)

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As the first report of liquid crystal flow induced by annihilation of apair of defects, we have studied the relationship between orientation state of molecules and computation accuracy using the Doi theory, in which the orientation state is described with the orientation distribution function. Computation of the function is a huge task, so that we have approximated the function with a series of spherical harmonic functions in order to reduce the task. The computation accuracy is assumed to depend strongly on both the nematic potential intensity and shear rate. It is found from the numerical results that many terms of spherical harmonic functions are required for the high potential intensity and shear rate because the function becomes steep. In addition, we propose diagrams from which we can easily obtain the necessary number of terms as a function of the potential intensity and shear rate.


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