GRESTI, ITI, HODITI : 南スラヴ語方言における3つの移動動詞について

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  • GRESTI ITI HODITI ミナミスラヴゴ ホウゲン ニ オケル 3ツ ノ イドウ ドウシ ニ ツイテ

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The aim of this paper is twofold. First, I apply Bach's classification of verbal predicates (1986) and the framework of "Incremental Theme", proposed by Dowty (1991), to the semantics of motion verbs in Štokavian (i.e. standard Serbian-Bosnian-Croatian) and contemporary Čakavian dialects, and show that three basic verbs of motion, GRESTI, ITI, HODITI in these South Slavic dialects are used to express both directed and non-directed movement. Furthermore, I examine morphological and semantic distribution of the said three verbs in Old Čakavian Language. My research reveals that Old Čakavian texts show an observable tendency that ITI and GRESTI are used for directed movement, and the verb HODITI expresses non-directed movement.


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