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  • 2,8-Dihydroxyadenine結石について
  • 2 8Dihydroxyadenine ケッセキ ニ ツイテ

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A case of a giant vesical stone containing 2, 8-dihydroxyadenine was presented. The patient was 24-year-old man who had frequently passed small stones with dysuria since age of 8 years. In September 1972, with dysuria, high fever and general fatigue, he was admitted to Nishinomiya Prefectural Hospital. Uric acid levels in serum and urine were 10.6 mg/dl and 13 mg/day respectively, and there were also significant rises of serum creatinine and BUN levels, so that he was diagnosed to be already in uremic stage. X ray examinations showed a giant vesical stone and staghorn calculus in the left kidney. On september 8, 1972, cystolithotomy was performed uneventfully. The removed vesical stone was 5.0×4.2×4.0 cm in size and 100 g in weight, and analysis by infrared spectroscopy showed a mixture of struvite and a purine compound. Neither uric acid, urate nor xanthine was contained. In March 1973, there were further rises of serum creatinine and BUN levels, therefore he was advised to be controled by hemodialysis. Since this time, he stopped to visit Nishinomiya Prefectural Hospital. Six years later, the removed vesical stone was more precisely analyzed again by infrared spectroscopy. This study showed a mixture of struvite or newberyite and 2, 8-dihydroxyadenine. The literatures were reviewed about the calculogenesis of 2, 8-dihydroxyadenine.


  • Hinyokika Kiyo

    Hinyokika Kiyo 25 (3), 265-270, 1979-03


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