A Comparative Study on Moral Education Approaches in China and Japan : Students' Initiatives Observed in the National Curricula and Classroom Practices

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  • 中国と日本の道徳教育に見られる児童・生徒主体性 : その理念と実践に関わって
  • チュウゴク ト ニホン ノ ドウトク キョウイク ニ ミラレル ジドウ セイト シュタイセイ ソノ リネン ト ジッセン ニ カカワッテ

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Although both China and Japan have been classified as the countries that have introduced secular moral education as values education subjects in formal schooling, wide gaps exists in their ideologies, approaches and methodologies of teaching morality. Owing to globalization and influx of external values in schools, two countries addressed this issue with drastic revisions of curricula of moral education but not to the same direction. After reviewing the changes brought into new National Curricula and educational guidelines in China and Japan in 2002, the paper examined the impact of these revisions on the teaching strategies and methodologies of teachers in primary schools as well as on the students' attitudes in moral classes. Comparative analyses were made between the countries, theories and practices, on the students' initiatives encouraged by the new strategies such as the student-centered, problem-based, and open-ended questioning approaches.


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