多国籍企業の立地行動と海外市場開拓についての一考察 : 資生堂の中国ビジネスを事例にして


  • タコクセキ キギョウ ノ リッチ コウドウ ト カイガイ シジョウ カイタク ニツイテノ イチコウサツ シセイドウ ノ チュウゴク ビジネス オ ジレイ ニシテ
  • A study on multinational enterprise location behavior and overseas market penetration : Taking the example of Shiseido's business in China



1 はじめに : 多国籍企業の企業本国と進出先国では立地環境(立地条件)は異なっており、多国籍企業がどのような立地環境を有する諸国・諸地域に事業活動をなぜ、どのように展開するのかといった「多国籍企業の立地行動」を研究することが、産業立地論の重要な研究テーマの1つとなる(鈴木1994; 1999, 鈴木・桜井・佐藤2005)。日系多国籍企業の中国などアジア新興国への立地行動の場合、日本に比べた低賃金労働力の獲得といった「労働指向立地」の側面が依然としてあるが、現地の市場開拓のための「市場指向立地」(市場志向立地)の側面が強まってきていると考えられる(鈴木編2015)。……

There exist differences in location environments (location conditions) between developing countries and home countries of multinational enterprises. The study of "multinational enterprise location behavior" namely, how and why multinational enterprises develop business activity in countries and regions having various kinds of location environments―is an important research topic in industrial location theory. Japanese multinational enterprises choosing to locate to new developing countries such as China have to address the factor of "labor-oriented location, "namely, acquiring a labor force at lower wages than in Japan. There is also, however, the increasingly prominent factor of "market-oriented location," the aim being to break into the local market. This paper takes an example from the cosmetics industry. It analyzes Shiseido's business in China, and considers the features and issues pertaining to marketoriented location in China faced by Japanese multinational enterprises. The study analyzes how Shiseido has come to develop its business activities in China, addressing the timeframe and details of the enterprise's business activities as a local Chinese corporation. The paper also considers the geographical characteristics of retail stores of several brands. In doing so, the study focuses on changes in the location environment in terms of the market in China.


  • 経営研究

    経営研究 67 (4), 159-168, 2017-02


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