Determination of Condition of Mandarin-Orange Wine Production

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  • ミカン酒の製造条件の検討
  • ミカン シュ ノ セイゾウ ジョウケン ノ ケントウ

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[Author abstract]The condition of production process of mandarin-orange wine, which included preparation of material juice, treatment of juice, fermentation, and treatment of fresh wine, was determined as follows according to sensory evaluation and analyses of components: 1. Mandarin-orange juice was prepared using washed and peeled fruit and centrifuged. The clear juice thus obtained was used as must for fermentation. 2. The clear juice was treated with anion-exchange resin to lower its acidity to 0.5-0.6% (as citrate). Afterward, sucrose was added up to 22-26 Brix % and the juice was kept overnight with 100 ppm sulfite. 3. Preculture of Saccharomyces cerevisiae IFO2116 together with IFO2260 incubated at 20-25℃ for 48 to 72 hrs was added to the must (1:10, volume by volume). Then, the must was incubated at 15°C for 1 to 2 months. 4. After alcohol fermentation, unrefined mandarin-orange wine was decolored using active charcoal and the fresh wine was collected with aid of Celite. 5. The fresh wine was bottled and stored in refrigerator at 0-5℃.[著者抄録]温州ミカンからミカン酒を製造する際の諸条件,原料果汁の調製法,果汁の処理法,醗酵条件などについて,外観の観察,官能検査,諸成分の分析などにより検討した結果,下記のような条件を確立した.1.温州ミカンは,まず水洗した後,剥皮し,搾汁する.その後,遠心分離して上澄液を原料果汁とする.2.果汁は,陰イオン交換樹脂で処理して,酸度を0.5~O.6%(クエン酸換算)程度まで低下させ,その後,ショ糖を精度が22~26Brix%になるまで加え,さらに亜硫酸濃度が100ppmになるようにメタ重亜硫酸カリウムを加え,一夜放置する.3.93℃で滅菌した果汁にSaccharomyces cervisiae IFO2116と2260を各々一白金耳ずつ接種して,20~25℃で2~3日間培養して得た酵母培養液を,醪の約10%量加え,15℃で1~2ケ月間醗酵させる.4.醗酵終了後,活性炭で脱色処理を行い,セライトを助剤として沪過する.5.ミカン酒を褐色ビンに詰めて,冷蔵保存する.


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