たたら製鉄と卸鉄法による玉鋼の製造 : 創造工房実習より得られた二三の知見


  • タタラ セイテツ ト オロシガネホウ ニ ヨル タマ ハガネ ノ セイゾウ ソウゾウ コウボウ ジッシュウ ヨリ エラレタ ニサン ノ チケン
  • An Experimental Study on Tamahagane-making Based on Combined Use of the Tatara-buki Ironmaking Process and the Oroshigane Process : A Few Findings Obtained from Creative Techno-Craft



Small-sized "Tatara-buki" furnace and "Oroshigane" furnace were made for laboratory working. Iron sand mined from Mukaihama beach in the city of Akita was applied to "Tamahagane" making based on combined use of the Tatara-buki process and the Oroshigane process. After washing in water and magnetic dressing, the iron sand was smelted by means of the "Tatara-buki" process and Kera (iron bear) with lower phosphorous and surfur contents was made in reproducibility of 20 % yield. The carbon content of the Kera was 2.43〜3.04 mass% which was significantly lower than that in blast furnace process. Next, the Kera was refined by the Oroshigane process to make Tamahagane which was a high quality iron containing 0.63mass%C, 0.04mass%Si, 0.048mass%S and 0.075mass%P. The microstructure of the Kera and the Tamahagane was well understood from the carbon contents. A series of the experiments mentioned above was conducted as an appropriate practice on an education program "Creative Techno-Craft" for the undergraduate course in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Akita University.


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