ベトナム北部地域のオンタオ儀礼 具象から抽象へ -文献資料と調査資料との整理から-


  • The Ritual of Ong Tao in Northern Vietnam, Transforming from a Concrete to an Abstract Representation of the Kitchen God : -An Examination Based on Reference and Research Materials-



ハノイの家庭では、台所の神である「オンタオ」(竈神)を祖先の祭壇で他の神と一緒に祀っている。陰暦12月23日の儀礼をオンコン(土公)・オンタオ儀礼と呼び、鯉に乗って昇天するオンタオのために生きた鯉を供え、最後に川や池に放生する。これらは現在の北部地域のオンタオを祀る儀礼の特徴であり、20世紀に入り変化したと考えられる。 オンタオを祀る儀礼が最も早く伝わった北部地域において、どのような変化を経て抽象化された神となり、祖先の祭壇で祀られるようになったのだろうか。 本研究では、はじめに北部地域のオンタオに関する資料から時間的な変化を整理する。その資料をもとに、現在のハノイを中心としたオンタオの実態と中部・南部地域との比較をとおして、北部地域のオンタオを祀る儀礼が具象から抽象へと変化しことを明らかにする。そして、抽象化され祀られる背景に、台所形態の変化、北部ベトナムの社会変化、北部地域独自の土地神の性格による土公とオンタオの混交があることを示し、抽象化されたオンタオを祀る人々の観念を考察する。

Families in Hanoi worship the Kitchen God called Ong Tao together with other deities by placing thần linh, or a censer, on the altar for ancestors. Ong Tao is believed to ride a carp to heaven on December 23 of the lunar calendar every year. On that day, live carps are offered on the family altar and released into a river or pond at the end of the Ong Tao ritual. This is a distinctive feature currently observed in Hanoi and its suburbs, though the ritual appears to have undergone some changes during the twentieth century. Northern Vietnam has the longest history in the country, being the first area where the Ong Tao ritual was performed. Yet, the Hue region has preserved even an older form of the ritual. Then, in what context has the custom in the northern region changed? Have people there changed their view of Ong Tao? No study has discussed the process of these changes based on a review of the relevant materials and observation of the ritual. The unique characteristics of the ritual practiced in the northern region have not been examined, either. This paper will reveal how the ritual of Ong Tao in northern Vietnam, Hanoi in particular, has transformed from a concrete to an abstract representation of the god by reviewing the relevant reference materials and observibg the ritual. The paper will propose that the abstraction of Ong Tao has arisen from changes in the form of kitchens and the northern communities, in addition to the original characteristics of the region. Furthermore, the views of people who worship the abstracted deity will be discussed.  Here the Vietnamese Kitchen God is called Ong Tao. Even though it is influenced by its Chinese counterpart, Tao Quan, the two gods are not identical. Vietnamese people affectionately refer to their Kitchen God as Ong Tao, and that is why the term is used throughout this paper.


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