宙吊りになる感性 : アール・ブリュットにおける違和感


  • Sensibility Getting Suspended : The Sense of Unusualness in Seeing Art Brut
  • チュウズリ ニ ナル カンセイ : アール ・ ブリュット ニ オケル イワカン



Art Brut is a term that was coined by the French artist Jean Dubuffet. It generally means the art created by people such as psychiatric patients, mentally disabled people, and mediumistic people. How Dubuffet et al. define Art Brut is influenced by what type of people artists are. Therefore, the definition cannot be grasped carefully to observe these works and it doesn't suitable for the actual works. So, we attempt to define Art Brut by the works themselves and how we feel the sense of unusualness when we see the works. It is believed that the works of Art Brut are aesthetic objects with some aesthetic qualities. Though these artists do not focus on ordinary aesthetic qualities in their works, aesthetic qualities exist in their works. Although these differ from ordinary aesthetic qualities, we consider them as ordinary ones. Thus, a difference arises. This means that an inherent aesthetic quality of a work of Art Brut (X1) is recognized as an ordinary one (X); therefore, a difference (△ X) originates. From this difference (△ X), the sense of unusualness results. This is the inherent feature of the works of Art Brut and its attraction. This sense of unusualness is different from the ordinary one; its location and cause are not clear to the observer, and that only exists as itself. This means that that is the sense of unusualness of those. In general, we attempt to elucidate what results in that with intellect and sensibility, and with the intellect, that is dissolved. But in that of Art Brut, dissolution is disturbed. We attempt to recognize it with our sensibility but do not succeed. Sensibility gets suspended, and we exert added effort onto our sensibility, which is observed to a remarkable level in Henry Darger's work, In the Realms of the Unreal. He depicts things as fancy so as to overlook real things, and he executes his work with his own way of tracing. Therefore, the difference arises compared to other's works from the fact that his work can be called both a collage and trace. This is the difference that marks the aesthetic quality of his works apart from ordinary aesthetic qualities and results in the sense of unusualness.


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