ヤスパース ノ ジツゾン テツガク ニオケル シュウトク リロン


  • ヤスパースの実存哲学における習得理論
  • A Theory of "Acquisition" in Jaspers' Existential Philosophy



Existential philosophy describes the significance of education by Hollow's concept, such as "meeting (Begegnung)" or "arousal (Erweckung)". However, he did not assert the spring of existential movement nor the direction. The purpose of this paper is to clarify this uncertainty, according to the theory of education based on Jaspers' philosophy. The former theory, which mainly depends on the concept of "communication (Kommunikation)" in his philosophy, is not enough to analyze his ontology ("Periechontologie"), so it should be reconstructed by the concept of "acquisition (Aneignung)". The reason for this is that the communication theory is able to explain human relationships, but is not sufficient to interpret the relationships between persons and objects. These relationships have been analyzed by the "code (Chiffre)" theory in the former Jaspers' studies in the area of religious philosophy. In order to transfer the code theory to an educational one, the meaning of "code-reading (Chiffrelesen)" in the code theory must be reconsidered. In the case of code-reading, the acquisition of codes is the most important aim. In Jaspers' philosophy, the process of acquisition develops from the recognition of objects on their surface from the arousal of the spring of being. The new acquisition-model consists of three parts and three steps. The parts are the subject, the object and the acquisition itself. In the first step, the subject, "I (ich)" recognizes objects, "as signals (Zeichen)". In the second step, the subject, "I" is transferred to "Self (Selbst)" by understanding the objects", symbols (Symbolen)". In the final step, "Self is aroused by "code (Chiffre)" and realizes its "real self (eigentliches Selbst)".




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