The Realization Probability Search Based on Search Results

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  • 探索結果を利用した実現確率探索
  • タンサク ケッカ オ リヨウ シタ ジツゲン カクリツ タンサク

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In this paper, we propose a realization probability search algorithm based on search results. The realization probability search is one of the search algorithms attracting much attention in the Computer-Shogi area, and it is used by many top-level programs. This method determines search depths according to probabilities of moves obtained from game records by professional players, and searches deeper for more probable moves. The realization probability search is an efficient algorithm, but it is considered that it still has room for improvement because probabilities of moves are fixed at any time. We improved the realization probability search by using the search results. In our method, probabilities change according to the rest of search depths and heuristics obtained while searching. In the result of our experiments, our program based on the proposed method is superior to existing methods.


  • IPSJ Journal

    IPSJ Journal 51 (11), 2021-2030, 2010-11-15


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