20世紀転換期における米国南部ペン学校の教養教育から実業教育への転換 : 南アフリカにおけるアフリカ人の教育モデル移植の背景として

機関リポジトリ Web Site オープンアクセス


  • Connotations of the Shift from Liberal Arts Education to Industrial-Agricultural Education in Penn School in the U.S. South during the Turn of the Twentieth Century : Historical Backgrounds of Implantation of American Black Educational Model for Native Africans in South Africa
  • 20セイキ テンカンキ ニ オケル ベイコク ナンブ ペン ガッコウ ノ キョウヨウ キョウイク カラ ジツギョウ キョウイク エ ノ テンカン : ミナミアフリカ ニ オケル アフリカジン ノ キョウイク モデル イショク ノ ハイケイ ト シテ



This paper examines connotations of the shift from liberal arts, academic education( educational type upheld by W. E. B. DuBois) to industrial-agricultural education(educational type practiced by Booker T. Washington) in the case of Penn School in South Carolina in the United States during the turn of the twentieth century in order to understand the historical backgrounds of implantation of American southern Black educational model for native Africans in South Africa. By looking at both cases of educational implantation at Penn School and South Africa at the turn of the twentieth century, a complex intentions and goals of white educators and Black and African leaders that were political emerged within discourses to(economically and not politically on surface) “uplift” black races through industrial-agricultural education.




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