Focusing on Komyosen-ji (光明山寺) extension of the Pure Land Buddhism in Nara

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  • 光明山寺を中心とした南都浄土教の展開
  • コウミョウセンジ オ チュウシン ト シタ ナント ジョウドキョウ ノ テンカイ

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When the relation between Komyosen-ji (光明山寺) and Koyasan (高野山) is discussed, well-known monks such as Kakuju (覚機), Jippan (実範), Eikan (永観), Myohen (明遍) who moved from Komyosen-ji (光明山寺) to Koyasan (高野山) and then became a deciple of Honen (法然), and Johen (静遍) who moved to Koyasan Ojoin (高野山往生院) and became the XII of Zenrin-ji (禅林寺) are often cited. In this paper, the reconsideration of the functions and features that Komyosen-ji (光明山寺) have as a Nenbutsu-Bessho (念仏別所) of Todaiji (東大寺) was conducted based on the reports of currently conducted researches. Then, the relation among some schools of The Pure Land Buddhism in Nara (南都浄土教) . Middle age is discussed based on the relation among Koyasan (高野山), Daigo-ji (醍醐寺) and Zenrin-ji (禅林寺) and also referring to "Ichigyou-Ippitsu-Amidakyo" ("一行一筆阿弥陀経") which are preserved in the Isshinji (一心寺) and "Koyasan-Ojoden" ("高野山往生伝").


  • 研究紀要

    研究紀要 9 25-33, 2008-03

    三木 : 関西国際大学

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