

  • Skin Conductance Responses (SCR) to Rorschach Inkblots
  • ロールシャッハ ズハン ガ ヒフ デンドウド ハンシャ(SCR)ニ オヨボス エイキョウ




In this study, we examined skin conductance responses (SCR) to Rorschach inkblots.Since its introduction, many interpretative hypotheses have been generated from the use of the Rorschach technique in clinical practices. This study was designed as an evidence-based study to test these hypotheses. Fourteen normal university students (18-24 years old) were used as subjects. The Rorschach inkblots were presented randomly (except for Card I, which was presented first) to cancel the order effect. The circuit used for the SCR measurement conforms to the recommendations of the American Society for Psychophysiological Research (SPR). The results of this study revealed that there were no significant differences in SCR amplitudes between the inkblots. In the test situation, an examinee’s response to the form, movement, color, shading (known as “determinants”), and reaction to the colors of the inkblot are considered to indicate a tendency to be aware of, and express emotion. We conclude that neither color nor form (shape) of the inkblots has an effect on the physiological responses in normal subjects, and that the lack of a significant physiological response can be evidence of the examinee’s normality.

本研究では,ロールシャッハ図版が惹起する皮膚伝導度反射(skin conductance response; SCR)について,ヘルマン・ロールシャッハの原法以来,主に臨床実践の中で積み上げられてきたロールシャッハ・テストの伝統的な解釈仮説の,妥当性と信頼性を検証し,その裏付けとなる実証的研究を行うために検討した。被験者は,健康な男女大学生14名(年齢幅18歳から24歳,平均年齢19.4歳)であり,ロールシャッハ図版を順序効果を除くため無作為に呈示し,米国精神生理学会(American Society for Psychophysiological Research; SPR)の勧告回路を用いてSCR振幅を測定した。実験の結果,各図版間で生起したSCR振幅に有意な差は認められず,健常な被験者であれば,図版の色彩の有無ばかりではなく,図版の形態の特異性に依存した差が,生理反応におよぼす効果はないものと結論づけた。顕著な生理的変化が生じないのであれば,健常な被検者と判断される根拠となることを本実験の結果は示している。


  • 研究紀要

    研究紀要 (19), 125-135, 2018-03-10


詳細情報 詳細情報について

