

  • シベツ タイケンシャ ノ ヨクアツ ヨウシキ ノ コジンサ ト シベツ ゴ ノ ヒタン ハンノウ タイショ コウドウ ビョウテキ ヒタン フアン ショウガイ オヨビ キブン ショウガイ ト ノ カンケイ
  • The Relationship between Individual Difference in Repressive Stles and Grief Reaction Coping Behaviors, and Onset of Pathological Grief, Anxiety and Mood Disorders after Child Loss



We examined the relationship between parental repressive styles, grief reaction/post-bereavement coping behavior and psychiatric symptoms in parents who had lost young children, In Study I, we administered a set of questionnaires to a sample of 177 parents who had experienced bereavement of children within the past several years in order to inquire about grief response, coping behavior, repressive styles, and social support .After controlling for sex, age, income, and self esteem, 1) subjects who had high anxiety (sensitizer and repressive-anxiety) showed stronger grief response whereas those with low anxiety (repressor and low-anxiety) showed weak response; 2) repressors were more likely to accept death and resolute grief after the loss than others; 3) those who had higher anxiety were more likely to ruminate after death; and 4) sensitizers were less likely to satisfy perceived social support. In Study II we interviewed 60 bereaved parents using a semi-structured diagnostic interview schedule to yield diagnoses of the parents based on the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 4th Edition (DSM-IV). Parents with repressive-anxiety were more likely to manifest pathological grief and those parents recognized as sensitizers were more likely to have an onset of DSM-IV Major Depression or Social Phobia after the child's death. 抑圧様式と悲嘆反応、死別後の対処行動、精神症状との関連性について検討した。研究Iでは幼い子どもと死別した親177名を対象に悲嘆反応、対処行動、抑圧様式、ソーシャルサポートを測定した。性別、年齢、収入などを統制し分析した結果、①不安水準の高い sensitizer, repressive Anxiety 各群では悲嘆反応が強心不安水準の低い repressor, low-anxiety各群では悲嘆反応が弱い、②repressor群では悲嘆がすでに解決したことと認知し、死別体験を肯定的に捉える傾向が強い、③不安水準が高いと死別後に内的に考え込む対処を多く行う、④sensitizer群では知覚されたソーシャルサポートに対する満足度が低い傾向にあった。研究IIでは60名に半構造化面接を行い、死別後に罹患した精神疾患の診断を行った。その結果,⑤病的悲嘆はrepressive- anxiety傾向と,⑥大うつ病性障害や社会恐怖はsensitization傾向とそれぞれ関連することが示された。


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