

  • ウタガワ クニヨシ ノ ギョルイガ ニ ミル 「 シャセイ 」 ト 「 シャジツ 」 : ヒガシアジア ビジュツ ト セイヨウ ビジュツ ト ノ カイコウ
  • Sketching and realism in Utagawa Kuniyoshi works Series: Untitled series of water creatures -Encounter with East Asian art and Western art-



Flowers and birds paintings in Ukiyo-e were established in the Tenpou-era,when Katsushika Hokusai (1760-1849) and Utagawa Hiroshige (1797-1858) had been active. Utagawa Kuniyoshi (1797-1861) is one of the Ukiyo-e artist who create it with them in the same period. Former researches indicate that his works of which the Series: Untitled series of water creatures is rich in the descriptive ecology based on realism. Although Kuniyoshi had already created works with the western-style painting representation, he was not introduced them in those series. In other words, it stand out the point that why he did'nt introduce them, even though his purpose is creating with realistic depiction. On the other hand, field painting on the time to draw realistic target has been carried out by such as artists who the Nanpin School, Maruyama Okyo. Purpose of in this paper is to make clear that Kuniyoshi's intent in the Series: Untitled series of water creatures by considering Flowers and birds painting of the same age with it.


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