アメリカのHarper’s Weeklyから見る 開国から維新への日本形象 ―武士からジェントルマンへ―


  • アメリカ ノ Harper s Weekly カラ ミル カイコク カラ イシン エ ノ ニホン ケイショウ ブシ カラ ジェントルマン エ
  • Who Made the Samurai Gentlemen? – Viewing the Floating Identity and Image of Japanese in Harper’s Weekly



With the Japan’s debut on the international stage in 1854, the image of Japanese frequently appeared in pictorials, a medium that initially became popular in the 1840s. Through focusing on one of these famous pictorials, Harper’s Weekly, we can see how the image of Japanese changed over time. At the beginning, the Japanese attired in “traditional samurai costume” were considered a primitive race and depicted with dark skin and twisted faces. After the Meiji Restoration, however, modernizing Japan strove to shed the image of the “premodern.” Accordingly, editorial comments and the tone of the illustrations of the Japanese also became accepting. These pictures are not simply evidence of Japan’s modernization, but trace its drifting from the periphery to the center of World history in the 19th century.


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