BELIEF IN PEOPLE, PURSUIT OF CIVILIZATION : An Introduction to the Studies of The Elements of Moral Science and Its Influence In the Early Meiji Era


  • 民衆を信頼し、文明を追い求め―フランシス・ウェイランド著『道徳科学要論』とその影響―序説



In 1873 the first four tranlastions of The Elements of Moral Science were published. Eleven translations in all were done of the same book in Japan during the ten years, 1873-1882. The fact, considered as a cultural phenomenon, has attracted reseachers' attention. In the essay the first four translations is discussed in terms of the social and historical situations, with particular stress laid on the attitude common to the translators. They claimed in their prefaces or introductory essays that Japan should be a civilized nation and to civilize Japan its people should be educated, giving impotance to the role of its people in the nation. At the same time they seemed to have an overly idealized notion of civilization and to see civilized nations such as England or America as ideally moralistic ones. In this esssay the facts about the published translations are reported in section 2. And the original prefaces are shown in modernized letters in Appendices for the readers' convenience.


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