北海道野菜産地におけるGLOBALGAPの取り組み : 2農協における取引への影響と問題点を中心に


  • The Introduction and Impact of GLOBALGAP on Vegetable Marketing : A Case Study of Two Hokkaido Agricultural Cooperatives
  • ホッカイドウ ヤサイ サンチ ニ オケル GLOBALGAP ノ トリクミ : 2 ノウキョウ ニ オケル トリヒキ エ ノ エイキョウ ト モンダイテン オ チュウシン ニ



The purpose of this paper is to discuss the introduction of and to clarify the impact of GLOBALGAP (good agricultural practice) standards on the marketing of vegetables. Two Hokkaido agricultural cooperatives, Toya Agricultural Cooperative and Kitahibiki Agricultural Cooperative, are taken up as case studies. An emphasis on food-safety standards has become common in Japan, as it has in other countries. Although there are only a small number of farmers in Japan who have secured GLOBALGAP certification, it may become necessary for more of them to do so in the near future. On the other hand due to the falling prices of many crops, increased competition from imports, and changes in the distribution system, the overall number of farmers in Japan has been decreasing. This study offers a general introduction to GLOBALGAP, including its historical development, its objectives as well as the circumstances and goals of the various GAP measures being introduced in Japan. As the results of the case studies of the two Hokkaido agricultural cooperatives indicate, although large-scale retailers have increasingly demanded GLOBALGAP standards for vegetables, the impact of GLOBALGAP practices on prices is not yet clear, even though the costs that accompany the introduction of GLOBALGAP measures have increased. As for the introduction of GLOBALGAP in Japan, the need for more supoort from the public sector was borne out.


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