居住空間の改変からみた町並み保存の課題 : ベトナム・ハノイ36通り地区の保存に関する研究


  • Hanoi Town Houses: Conservation and Change : A Study of the Conservation of the 36 Streets of Hanoi's Old Quarter, Vietnam
  • キョジュウ クウカン ノ カイヘン カラ ミタ マチナミ ホゾン ノ カダイ ベトナム ハノイ 36ドオリ チク ノ ホゾン ニ カンスル ケンキュウ



The Hanoi 36 Streets is an Old Quarter in the capital of Vietnam. Its numerous town houses are inhabited by various types of residents. The many efforts to preserve the unique streetscape, traditional culture and historic industries of this district have not prevented many traditional town houses from being changed or demolished. The forces of economic development and social modernization have proven too powerful. Courtyards of traditional Hanoi town house have functioned to increase open space and to separate different kind of spaces. However, courtyards are among the first features of townhouses to be lost when more space is deemed necessary. The loss of courtyards has a variety of detrimental effects, including, in one case, the destruction of the street facade. Elimination of courtyards has caused spaces for drying clothes to be moved to the rooftops at the front of the houses, and this has caused traditional gable roofs to be replaced by flat roofs. In future efforts at conservation, efforts will need to be made to preserve not only the appearance of the streetscape, but also traditional composition of space within the townhouses including the courtyards. It will also be necessary to take into consideration residents' desire and need for the conveniences of modern life.




  • 學苑

    學苑 814 A44-A52, 2008-08-01

    東京 : 光葉会



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