Inhibitory Effects of Persimmon Leaf Extract on Postprandial Blood Glucose Elevation in Humans

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  • 〔研究ノート〕柿の葉茶浸出液のヒト飲用試験による食後の血糖上昇抑制効果
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Persimmon leaves contain high levels of vitamin C, tannins, and flavonoid glycosides, and have been reported to have radical scavenging ability, anti-allergic activity, and other effects. In our previous study, we found that a persimmon leaf extract solution had an inhibitory effect on -amylase activity, and that although no significant difference was observed, intake of the solution appeared to inhibit blood glucose elevation. In the present study, we investigated the inhibitory effect of a concentrated persimmon leaf extract on blood glucose elevation. A total of 180g of rice and a solution prepared by dissolving 1.6g of concentrated persimmon leaf extract in 330 mL of water were served to 6 subjects, and changes in blood glucose were measured. The results showed that the concentrated persimmon leaf extract significantly inhibited blood glucose elevation 15 minutes after ingestion of rice.





    GAKUEN 866 42-46, 2012-12-01

    東京 : 光葉会

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