<研究論文>相互の文化を尊重する態度を育てる小学校社会科異文化理解学習 ―日本と中国の箸食文化に着目して―


  • <Articles>Developing a Cross-cultural Understanding Unit to Cultivate Mutual Cultural Respect in Elementary School Social Studies: Focusing on the Gastronomic Culture of Chopsticks in Japan and China
  • 相互の文化を尊重する態度を育てる小学校社会科異文化理解学習 : 日本と中国の箸食文化に着目して
  • ソウゴ ノ ブンカ オ ソンチョウ スル タイド オ ソダテル ショウガッコウ シャカイカイブンカ リカイ ガクシュウ : ニホン ト チュウゴク ノ ハシショク ブンカ ニ チャクモク シテ



In the field of cross-cultural understanding learning in elementary school social studies, students' cultural respect is no longer increasing. Therefore, this study aims to develop across-cultural understanding unit to enhance mutual cultural respect from the perspective of multiculturalism. First, students catalogued the commonalities and differences of the gastronomic culture of chopsticks in Japan and China, thus developing mutual cultural understanding. Second, they considered the background behind the manner of chopsticks usage in Japan and China, focusing on the values of both countries. Last, the students determined ways of coping with the differences in this custom. After learning, the students understood and respected their mutual cultures. The results reveal that the cross cultural understanding unit can cultivate mutual cultural respect among students.




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