F.V.Dickinsと『仮名手本忠臣蔵』の英訳 : 英学史的考察


  • F.V.Dickins ト カナデホン チュウシングラ ノ エイヤク エイガク




My previous articles treated F.V. Dickins's works on Japanese literature such as his translations of Hyak-Nin-Is'shiu (1866), Taketori-Monogatari (1888), Ho-Jo-Ki (1905) and Primitive & Mediaeval Japanese Texts (1906). This paper is a study of his translation of Chiushingura. Donald Keene (1922- ) published the translation of Kana-Tehon-Chushingura, titled Chushingura, The Treasury of Loyal Retainers in 1971. In his introduction, Keene refers to F.V. Dickins and says that "the oldest translation seems to be the one by Frederick Victor Dickins called Chiushingura or The Loyal League, published in 1880." But I found Dickins's translation published at Yokohama in 1875, at Toyo-Bunko Library in Tokyo, which keeps later editions of the book as well. In the fourth edition (1912), Dickins says as follows: First Edition, Yokohama, 1875. Second Edition, Revised, with 29 illustrations (Allen & Co.) 1880. Third Edition, with some further Revision, with 8 illustrations (Gowans and Gray, Ltd.), July, 1910. Fourth Edition, unillustrated, June, 1912. This means he published the book in Yokohama five years before he did in London. The translation Keene referred to was the 2nd edition. Dickins came to Japan for the first time in about 1861 as a medical officer with the British Navy, and went back home in 1866. Around 1870 he came to Yokohama again as a lawyer. He was a member of the Asiatic Society of Japan from the time of its foundation. Before Dickins, the story of the Forty-Seven Ronin had been known to the English readers through Mitford's Tales of Old Japan (1871) . But Mitford's book was not the translation of Kana-TehonChushingura. It was his story of Ako warriors' retribution. Of the translation of KanaTehonChushingura, there are only two besides Dickins's. One is Jukichi Inouye's (1894) and the other, Donald Keene's (1971) . F.V. Dickins, the Japanologist, is not so well known, both here and abroad, as B.H. Chamberlain, W. G. Aston and E. Satow. He should be reinstated to the rightful position he deserves.


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