ピレネー山地、亜高山帯における穿孔動物によるマウンドの形成 : II:ルセール山における方形区の通年観察


  • An observation of mounds of burrowing animals in the subalpine zone of the Pyrenees, France II:Fixed point observation at Le Serre Mountain
  • チョウサ ト シリョウ ピレネー サンチ アコウザンタイ ニ オケル センコウ ドウブツ ニ ヨル マウンド ノ ケイセイ 2 ルセールサン ニ オケル ホウケイク ノ ツウネン カンサツ




Mounds of burrowing animals such as moles, voles, etc. were repeatedly observed during 1995-1996 at the fixed plot (quadrat,10m×10m) set on the south-facing slope of Le Serre mountain (2017m a.s.l.), located in the subalpine zone of central part of the Pyrenees. The same observation was also conducted along a 1200m long transect (Transect-SW) passing through the fixed plot to discuss spatial relative importance of mound building of the fixed plot. Size and distribution of the mounds along the transect and temporal variation of the mounds of the fixed plot are described in the present paper. The methodology, together with geomorphic effect and geomorphological significance of the bioturbation and redistribution of earth materials by soil fauna, will be discussed in separate paper.


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