カンゴ キソ キョウイク ニオケル フィジカル アセスメント キョウイク ナイヨウ ノ ケントウ ブンケン ト シュヨウ テキスト カラ


  • [その他] 看護基礎教育における「フィジカルアセスメント」教育内容の検討 : 文献と主要テキストから
  • [Others] Study of "physical assessment" educational content in basic nursing education : From the literature and the main text




To obtain basic information for selection of educational content based on the Takahashi report with a comparison performed between the exercise catergories of this university and other literature with the key text. 1)The comparison of "26 categories with a 70% or greater response indicating that practical exercises are performed" resulting in, "A" (at least up to this point): 25, (if possible, up to this point): 1 "Based on percussion of the lungs fields and the presence of a difference between the left and right sides." For this university, category "A" was executed with high frequency in the National Nursing Examination and in clinical practice. 2) The "32 categories with a 50 % or greater response indicating the practical exercise category is essential in this case 30 hours was adopted" resulted in, "A": 25, "B":4, "C" (if the opportunity exists):3. "Based on percussion of the lungs fields and the presence of a difference between the left and right sides," and the "Presence of ascites," and the "Presence of deep tendon reflex abnormalities (knee jerk)". 3) The "12 categories with a 50 % or greater response indicating that acquiring knowledge was adequate" resulting in, "A":6"Presence of fundus abnormalities" (inspection by fundus mirror)," "Abnormalities of the nasal mucosa (inspection by nasal speculum" and "the presence of olfactory nerve abnormalities (smell test)", along with the "Presence of external auditory canal and tympanic membrane abnormalities (inspection by otoscope)". 4. Although the key text described specific methods for vital signs reading, others indicated a summary of procedures and findings.






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