Terayama Shūji's film, “Cache-Cache Pastoral” as an autobiography and a dream

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  • 〈自伝〉と「夢」の形式を借りた「虚構」: 寺山修司の映画『田園に死す』

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The aim of this paper is to make clear how Terayama Shūji (1935-1983) represents Self in his\ autobiographical film entitled “Cache-Cache Pastoral” (1974). The film projects the delicate subject of\ depicting self-representation. He denies the unchangeable and single Self and represents the fictitious\ and plural Selves instead. The description of multi-faced self involves difficulty as the self will be\ divided into the “I” who writes, the “I” who is written, and the “I” who existed in the past. Terayama\ depicts multi-faced “ I ”s which conflict with each other to adapt metafiction. Terayama has the film\ director appear in the film and confront with himself in the past.\ In addition, this film tries to modify one's memory and the film director makes an attempt to kill\ his mother whereby he gets his independence in this film. However, he cannot achieve it. Instead, he\ adapts three women as his mother's doubles and realizes his desire in distorted ways. The film looks\ like a dream and the dream enables him to approach his subconscious desire.


  • 人間文化創成科学論叢

    人間文化創成科学論叢 18 3-1-3-9, 2016-03-31


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