

  • A Study of Caregiving to the Elderly Analyzed from Ability of Daily Living and Ability of Making Personal Relationship
  • 日常生活動作の対人関係能力からみた高齢者ケアのあり方に関する研究
  • ニチジョウ セイカツ ドウサ ノ タイジン カンケイ ノウリョク カラ ミタ コウレイシャ ケア ノ アリカタ ニ カンスル ケンキュウ




The purpose of this study is to examine caregiving to the elderly based on the results of the structured interview. One hundred of institutionalized older people were interviewed on the ability of daily living (ADL) and the ability of making personal relationship. The results indicated that the elderly in special nursing homes compared to those in ordinary ones, and the elderly who had previously lived with their family compared to those who had lived alone had significantly lower ADL scores. Regarding the ability of making personal relationships, the results showed no significant differences in terms of age, gender, the type of nursing homes, the duration of institutionalization, and previous living arrangement (living with family or not). Overall, the average scores on items representing passive involvement with others were higher than those on items of active involvement. The results also indicated no significant correlation between ADL and the ability of making personal relationship. This suggests that although physical function becomes lower due to aging, people's ability to making relationship with others does not necessarily decrease with aging. In caregiving to the elderly, caregivers should make trustful relationship with the elderly and provide care with specialty based on the results of scientific research.




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