世襲型経営者の経歴形成過程に関する事例研究(後編(2)) --中山均(静岡銀行頭取)--


  • セシュウガタ ケイエイシャ ノ ケイレキ ケイセイ カテイ ニ カンスル ジレイ ケンキュウ コウヘン 2 ナカヤマ ヒトシ シズオカ ギンコウ トウドリ
  • A Case Study on Career Development Process of a Hereditary Type Business Leader(the second half(2)) -Hitoshi Nakayama(President of Shizuoka Bank)-



The career development process of Hitoshi Nakayama's is divided into three parts. The first was reported in Arai(2008) as the first half that is the part of his occupational socialization process till the time to be recruited into Hamamatu Bank founded by his father. The second was reported in Arai(2009) as the second half(1) that is the part of his promotion process from an executive of Saion Bank to the president of Shizuoka Bank. And the third is reported in this paper as the second half(2) that is the part of his career development process to be a big leader in the period of bank reconstruction after World War II.


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