「角館時報」にみる角館とその周辺の音楽状況 : 大正末から昭和初期にかけて


  • カクノダテ ジホウ ニ ミル カクノダテ ト ソノ シュウヘン ノ オンガク ジョウキョウ タイショウマツ カラ ショウワ ショキ ニ カケテ
  • Musical Circumstances in Kakunodate-Town and its Outskirts in Akita Prefecture appered in a Local Newspaper, the Kakunadate Jiho : From the late Taisho Era to the early period of Showa Era



The author examined articles of the Kakunodate Jiho that were issued from the late Taisho era to investigate the rise and fall of the musical genres, and investigated the change of the musical style. As the results the author obtained the following conclusions. 1) As for the traditional Japanese music, Biwa-music, No-music and Gidayu-bushi that were popular before had declined at the beginning of the Showa era. But the tradition of the Japanese music had been succeeded as a whole. 2) Folk arts such as Folk Songs and Folk Dances had become widely known to the other areas of Japan, and in that process the musical styles changed to achieve the stage effects. And the songs that were accepted by the people of other areas have grown as the main repertory of this area. 3) Despite the rise and fall of the musical genres, the tradition of the music had been succeeded and the core of the musical cultures had been preserved at the beginning of the Showa era. 4) The exchage of the musical traditions between the center and the outskirts of this region consistently occurred, preseving the autonomy of the musical cultures.


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