

  • アキタケン ナンブ ニ セッチ ヨテイ ノ チュウコウ イッカン コウ ニ カンスル コウサツ
  • Issues and Problems of the Unified Lower and Upper Secondary School System : A Case of the Southern Part of Akita




A unified lower and upper secondary school system will be introduced in the southern part of Akita in 2004. The system will be established on the basis of Yokote Senior High school, which will have restructured the present system, in a way in which students may become able to select all the courses of their own choice. With this new school will be combined a prefectural junior high school. The present paper reports on the results of survey research that was conducted in November 2002. The results of a questionnaire that was sent to those students who were going to enter the new school (I.e., the fifth grade elementary school pupils and the second year junior high school students) and their parents suggested that there were a substantial number of students who expected to enter the new school, but most of these students would select the department of general studies, the international studies among others. On the other hand, the number of students who would like to enter technology-related departments (the department of environmental science in particular) was very small. Regarding the courses the students would like to take after graduation, it was indicated that the largest number of students would enter technical colleges, junior colleges, or four-year course universities. It was implied that there was a general concern among parents and teachers that it might be difficult to sustain the students level of motivation throughout six years. The paper concludes by emphasizing the importance of providing students with appropriate assistance and guidance about the course the students should take after graduation, while making an effort to recruit applicants.


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