Geophysical prospecting of Tegatayama tunnel

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  • 手形山トンネルの物理探査
  • 手形トンネルの物理探査
  • テガタ トンネル ノ ブツリ タンサ

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It is very important to know the underground structure of 20 to 30 meters below the surface. However these depths are difficult to know, for they are intermediate region in geophysical prospecting. Several methods were applied to the man-made tunnel (Tegatayama tunnel, Akita City) to know the effect of high resistivity structure in 20 to 30 meters. Only one point electric survey cannot reveal the existence of a tunnel. It is possible to know the influence of a tunnel if we use several electric survey data obtained in different positions. The VLF magnetotelluric survey is effective to reveal the structure of a tunnel at a depth of 20 to 30 meters. The magnetic component of VLF signal is available to know the underground structure.


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