Vibration Characteristics of Circular Saws Tensioned by Hammering

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  • ハンマ腰入れした丸鋸の振動特性
  • ハンマ コシイレシタ マルノコ ノ シンドウ トクセイ

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This paper describes preliminary experiments to examine the vibration characteristics of saws tensioned by hammering. Several circular discs, which are to be used as blades for carbide-tip-ped saws, were differently tensioned by hammering (Table 1). Natural frequencies of stationary and rotating discs were determined, and the vibrations excited aerodynamically were also examined (Fig. 1). Increasing the degree of tensioning decreased natural frequencies of modes (0, 0) and (0, 1), where (m, n) means m nodal circles and n nodal diameters, and increased those of mode (0, 2) and higher order modes (Table 2). Tensioning, however, little affected natural frequencies of one nodal circle modes. Natural frequencies of discs increased monotonically with rotation speed due to the effect of centrifugal forces, and three discs of different tensioning states showed a similar increase in frequency (Fig. 3). The frequencies of aerodynamically excited vibrations appeared to be proportional to rotation speed (Fig. 4). Residual stresses in discs measured using laser beam cutting were also discussed (Figs. 2 and 5).


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