Creation and evaluation of a method for improving self-management skills for patients with type 1 diabetes utilizing an Internet bulletin board
- タイトル別名
- インターネット掲示板を活用した1型糖尿病患者の自己管理能力向上支援方法の試作および評価
This study was carried out to create and evaluate the effects of an Internet bulletin board for self-management support that would allow type 1 diabetes patients to acquire information and learn specific measures for the improvement of blood glucose control as well as provide a point of contact for psychological support. The bulletin board operated from January 4, 2010 until January 31, 2011. Bulletin board membership was restricted to type 1 diabetes patients, their families, medical care professionals (physicians and nurses), and the researcher (webmaster). Troubles being faced by patients, ideas about glucose control, and professional knowledge from medical staff were exchanged on the bulletin board. The researcher obtained permission from the patients to obtain output self-monitoring of blood glucose, attended the examination of the patients, and asked questions to clarify the relationship between the data and the daily behavior of the patients at the outpatient clinic. The effects of this study were evaluated based on the changes of HbA1c, measurement of blood glucose, and changes of blood glucose control, diabetes-related stress, and interviews. As a result, HbA1c decreased significantly over eight months compared with levels at the beginning of the study and remained significantly different for five months. Only two subjects shifted to greater than three times per day from fewer than three times per day. Both the group that wrote about their self-evaluation on the bulletin board and the group that did not write about their self-evaluation showed improvement in the acquisition of information. The group that described their self-evaluations on the bulletin board became more aware of changes in blood glucose measurement and control. The Problem Area in Diabetes Survey (PAID) consists of 20 items addressing diabetes-related stress, with higher total scores indicating higher diabetes-related stress, including stress related to treatment, and a higher score also means a lower Quality of Life (QOL). Items whose scores showed particularly significant increases were item 1, “Not having clear and concrete goals for your diabetes care,” item 7, “Not knowing if your mood or feeling are related to your diabetes,” and item 11, “Feeling constantly concerned about food and eating” (p<0.01). Blood glucose awareness training (BGAT) is a method that helps patients predict blood sugar from actions prior to measurement and bring the predicted value close to an actual value. While BGAT focuses on equipping patients with the ability to predict their blood glucose level, this study is original in its focus on the improvement of self-management by way of, for example, the acquisition of information and blood glucose control. There have been no reports on effective measures using an Internet bulletin board with the participation of both patients and medical professionals. This study provided support measures that allowed type 1 diabetes patients to discuss methods of blood glucose control and other efforts on an Internet bulletin board. 本研究は、1型糖尿病患者の血糖コントロール改善のために必要な知識の獲得、困った時の具体的な対処方法の獲得、心理面に関する相談相手の獲得を可能にする方法として、「インターネット掲示板を活用した自己管理能力向上支援方法」を試作し、その効果を明らかにした。2010年1月4日から2011年1月31日まで掲示板を開設した。参加者は、1つの医療機関に通院する1型糖尿病患者とその家族、医療者(医師・看護師)、研究者(掲示板管理人)とする。掲示板では、患者が困っていること、血糖コントロールの工夫、専門家である医療スタッフからのアドバイスがやり取りされる。研究者は患者の許可を得て、自己血糖測定のデータを得、診察場面に同席し、データと患者の日々の療養行動に気付くような質問をする。本研究方法の効果は、HbA1cの推移、血糖の測り方および血糖コントロールの仕方の変化、糖尿病への負担感、と面接に基づいて評価する。HbA1cは研究開始時と比べて8 ヵ月後に有意に低くなり、12か月目までの5 ヶ月間に渡って有意差が持続した。自己評価に関して書き込みをした群と書き込みをしていない群共に知識の獲得に効果があったが、血糖の測り方の変化やコントロールの仕方の変化を自覚しているのは書き込んだ群の方に効果があった。糖尿病問題領域質問表(The Problem Area in Diabetes Survey:PAID)は糖尿病に関する負担感情を表す20項目からなり、総得点が高い方が生活の質(Quality of Life: QOL)が低いとする糖尿病特異的質問紙である。PAIDの平均得点で有意に得点が上昇したのは、項目1「糖尿病の治療法について、はっきりとした、具体的な目標がない」、項目7「自分の気持ちや感情が糖尿病と関連しているかどうかが分からない」、 項目11「常に食べ物や食事が気になる」であった(p<0.01)。血糖を測る前に行動から血糖を予測して実測値に近づけて行くトレーニングを行うthe blood glucose awareness training :BGATでは、血糖値の予測能力を付けることを目的とするのに対して、本研究 では、知識の獲得や血糖コントロールなどの自己管理能力向上を目的とする点に独創性がある。
- 金沢大学つるま保健学会誌 = Journal of the Tsuruma Health Science Society Kanazawa University
金沢大学つるま保健学会誌 = Journal of the Tsuruma Health Science Society Kanazawa University 35 (2), 1-13, 2011-12-27
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詳細情報 詳細情報について
- 1050282810933442432
- 40019166674
- AA11599711
- 13468502
- 2297/29767
- 023448564
- 本文言語コード
- en
- 資料種別
- departmental bulletin paper
- データソース種別
- NDLサーチ
- CiNii Articles