Change in the Subject's Level of Tension with Interior Greenery : The Case of a Room at a Dentist

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  • 緑化が被験者に与える緊張感の変化 : 歯科医診療室を事例として
  • リョッカ ガ ヒケンシャ ニ アタエル キンチョウカン ノ ヘンカ シカイ シンリョウシツ オ ジレイ ト シテ
  • リョクカ ガ ヒケンシャ ニ アタエル キンチョウカン ノ ヘンカ シカイシンリョウシツ ヲ ジレイ トシテ

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Recently greenery in medical offices for the purpose of improving the amenity is becoming popular. It is generally known that greenery influences people, both mentally and physically. This study aims to clarify the effect of interior greenery in a medical office. The rate pressure product (RPP) which reflected heart rate and blood pressure was taken in the following three situations in the medical examination room at a dentist. In case 1, there was no plant in the room, in case 2, three foliage plants and in case 3, three foliage plants and flowers. The RPP values were taken with the following two orders, 1-2-3 and 3-2-1. The highest RPP was shown in the case of 1, second was the case of 2 and the lowest was the case of 3. This showed that the effect of three foliage plants and flowers in alleviating the tension of subject was the greatest among the three situations.







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