

  • Grassland Vegetation and Palatability in Mongolian Grasslands
  • モンゴル コクソウゲン ノ ショクセイ ト サイショクシコウセイ



Ulaanbaatar(ウランバートル)市を起点とした調査地域における植物種は39科122属207種であった。優占種はキク科,イネ科,バラ科,アカザ科であった。採草地では多様な植生が認められた北西地域では12科21種の種類が観察された。放牧地では,9科16種の多様な例やイネ科とキク科に偏った2科11種の例など地域によって植生は異なっていた。放棄畑地では,1科1種や2科3~4種から4科11種など放棄後の年数や年次により植生は変化していた。植物種は採食嗜好性の低いキク科やアカザ科が優占種であった。北西地域の放棄畑地においては,2004年の2科6種から2006年の8科14種に変化していたが,家畜放牧に適した草原植生には回復していなかった。北西地域草原の乾物草量(165.44±11.71g/m^2)は南西地域および南東地域に比べ有意に高く(p<0.01~0.05),最も低い地域は南東地域(55.88±9.42g/m^2)であった。マメ科潅木の「ハルガナ」(Caragana phygmaea)を草資源として考慮に入れた場合には,南西地域の草量は増加し,北西・北東・南西地域と南東地域間に有意差が認められた(p<0.01~0.05)。年次間では,2002年の乾物草量(76.43±14.58g/m^2)が最低,2003年が最高(169.97±49.12g/m^2)となり,2003年および2004年と他の調査年との間には有意な差異が認められた(p<0.01~0.05)。採食嗜好性は,イネ科の植物に対する嗜好性が高く,最高評点のスコアの植物が種類認められた(Stipa glareosa, S.krylovii, Achnatherum splendens, Agropyron crisratum, Elytrigia repens, Leymus chinesis, Poa pratensis)。キク科ではヨモギの一種「アイギ」(Artmisia gida)が全家畜で最高スコアであった。マメ科潅木の「ハルガナ」に対する家畜の採食嗜好性はラクダ・ヤギ・ヒツジでは4スコアと高く,このマメ科潅木は南西地域における重要な飼料植物資源であった。家畜の採食移動距離は年次や地域の草量状況により変動するが,ウマ(夜間)は15.13m/分であった。草量の豊かな地域では同じ場所を重複移動していたが,南西部(G地点)の草量の乏しい時(2002年)は重複移動が少なく平坦に移動していた。一方,ヤギの場合は昼間放牧であったが,採食移動距離は18.05m/分でウマより長かった。

maintained or produced by grazing livestock. However, desertification caused by the development for arable land as well as over-grazing has recently become a concern. Therefore, to clarify the present conditions of plant resources in each region around Ulaanbaatar, we studied the relationships among vegetation and standing crop (DM), species, palatability and distances of nomadic movement of livestock. Plant species observed in each region around Ulaanbaatar were 207 species of 122 genera from 39 families. Dominant plant species were Asteraceae and Poacaee. In the northwest region (plot C-1, S), meadows showed diverse vegetation in general, and we could observe 21 species of 12 families. Pasture had a variety of vegetation in each region (plot B-1, C-2, Q, T) including 16 species of 9 families or 11 species of two families biased towards Asteraceae and Poacae. Regarding the abandoned cultivated land (plot B-2, B-3, R), the vegetation varied remarkably from 1 species of 1 family and 3 or 4 species of 2 families to 11 species of 4 families with time and rainfall after abandonment. Asteraceae plant, which has low palatability, was the dominant species in these areas. In the abandoned cultivated land (plot R) in the northwest region, plants of 6 species of 2 families were observed in 2004, and in 2006 14 species of 8 families, but the region had not yet recovered as good pasture for grazing livestock. Standing crops (DM) (165.44±11.71g/m^2) in the northwest region were signicantly greater than in the southwest and southeast regions (p<0.01~0.05). Standing crops in the southeast region showed the lowest value (55.88±9.42 g/m^2). When data on Caragana of Fabaceae plant (Caragana phygmaea) was added, plant matter in the southwest was increased signicantly, while that in the northwest, northeast and southwest was signicantly greater than in the southeast (p<0.01~0.05). Annual data showed that standing crop in 2002 was the lowest (76.43±14.58g/m^2), while in 2003 it was the highest (169.97±49.12g/m^2);standing crop levels were signicantly higher in 2003 and 2004 than in other years (p<0.01~0.05).Palatability of Pocacae plant was the best, and we observed 7 species of Stipa glareosa, S. krylovii, Achnatherum splendens, Agropyron crisratum, Elytrigia repens, Leymus chinesis and Poa pratensis which had a score of 5. For Asteraceae, the plant Artmisia gida had a score of 5 for all livestock. The palatability score of the Caragana plant to livestock was 4 for camels, goats and sheep, and 3 for cattle and horses. It was thus suggested that this legume shrub plant comprises a very important grassland resource in the southwest region, because of its high palatability as livestock feed. Although the distances of nomadic movement of livestock vary annually and are influenced by grassland resource conditions in each region, movement distance for horses was 15.13m/min. at night. Horses repeatedly moved across the same area for grazing in regions with diverse grassland resources. Distances for grazing of goats were 18.05m/min. in the daytime, which was a longer distance than for horses.







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