佃島の文化 : 記述的芸術社会学資料探訪


  • ツクダジマ ノ ブンカ キジュツテキ ゲイジュツ シャカイ ガクシリョウ タンボウ ガン ツクダジマ カンケイ シリョウ モクロク シサク
  • ツクダジマ ノ ブンカ : キジュツテキ ゲイジュツ シャカイガク シリョウ タンボウ
  • Tsukudajima no bunka : kijutsuteki geijutsu shakaigaku shiryo tanbo
  • Tsukudajima and its Culture : An inquiry into materials for Descriptive Sociology of Art




Various kinds of small unique communities existed in Tokyo till the end of the World War II. They were unique because the inhabitants of these communities had a consciousness of kind, special traditions and dialects of their own which were different from those of surrounding societies. They were also small as the land occupied by the inhabitants had comparatively narrow boundaries, and moreover, the population in them did not increase beyond a certain limit. Such communities in Tokyo had seen better days and had clearly shown their uniqueness in both Edo and Meiji eras. But almost all of these small unique communities in this large city were disorganized, one after another, before and after the World War II except Tsukudajima (once a fishing village in a small island at the mouth of the River Sumida) in which some characteristic qualities still remain. The uniqueness of Tsukudajima, however, is now being gradually lost and the differences between this community and other parts of Tokyo is disappearing under the influence of the remarkable social fluctuation and industrialization in Japan, especially after the World War II. Thus I intended to inspect and make clear the factors causing the spiritual and material changes of this community. For this purpose, I have tried in these papers to describe traditional characteristics of Tsukudajima, inquiring into the seven selected items listed below. (1) Shirauo (white bait) and literature (2) Prince Takahito Arisugawa (3) Senryu (witty epigrammatic poem) (4) Pictures (5) Architecture of Sumiyoshi-Shrine (6) Carvings (7) Folklore (a) Festivals (b) Dialects (c) The New Year's Day (d) Bon-odori (folk dance).

まえがき (1) 白魚と文学 (2) 有栖川宮熾仁親王と佃島 (3) 川柳と佃島 (4) 佃島関係の絵画 (5) 住吉神社の建築 (6) 住吉神社境内の木彫 (7) 佃島の民俗 (a) 住吉の祭 (b) 佃ことば (c) 元日の初詣 (d) 盆踊 佃島関係資料目録(試作)


  • 哲學

    哲學 52 1-46, 1968-03


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