江戸・東京における寺子屋師匠の筆道修業について : 「筆道師家人名録初編」と「開学明細書」を対照して


  • エド・トウキョウ ニ オケル テラコヤ シショウ ノ ヒツドウ シュウギョウ ニ ツイテ : 「ヒツドウシカ ジンメイロク ショヘン」 ト 「カイガク メイサイショ」 オ タイショウ シテ
  • Edo Tokyo ni okeru terakoya shisho no hitsudo shugyo ni tsuite : "Hitsudoshika jinmeiroku shohen" to "Kaigaku meisaisho" o taisho shite
  • The teacher's training of terakoya school in Edo-Tokyo city




In Edo-Tokyo City, there were a lot of professional teachers of terakoya schools. However, it has been said that there were no particular training or license to become a professional teacher. Is that true? In this paper, through the comparative study of Hitsudohshika Jinmeiroku Shohen; a guide book of terakoya schools in Edo City with some official documents of establishment of private elementary schools in Tokyo City, the facts of teacher's training and license in feudalistic system are traced. There were some important schools training many teachers and those schools offered them licenses and names after the school names. In Edo-Tokyo City, a large number of professional teachers of terakoya schools realized that training and license were required before establishing their schools. It is supposed that this realization facilitated their acceptance of modern teacher's training and license system adopted by the Tokyo Prefecture.



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