解剖学から見た生命科学研究 : 遠赤外線エネルギー照射の正体とその効果


  • キソケイ キョウイク コウエン カイボウガク カラ ミタ セイメイ カガク ケンキュウ : エンセキガイセン エネルギー ショウシャ ノ ショウタイ ト ソノ コウカ
  • Study of Life Science Based on Anatomy : True Characteristics and Effects of Far Infrared Ray (FIR) Energy Radiation
  • カイボウガク カラ ミタ セイメイ カガク ケンキュウ : エンセキガイセン エネルギー ショウシャ ノ ショウタイ ト ソノ コウカ



It is understood by studying the anatomy which a blood circulation is indispensable for living. I focused studies on far infrared ray (FIR) radiation as the means to activate human circulation based on the essence of human for my life theme. At the time, it was impossible as yet to explain theoretically effects of FIR energy radiation at normal temperature in home and abroad studies. Then, I selected antioxidant FIR energy radiating ceramics regarded to be worthwhile for human body health by analyses of emissivity of thermal radiator and anti-oxygen activity for the various surrounding goods. In order to clarify the true character of FIR energy, I developed FIR CO2 incubator to study the effects of FIR energy on water molecules. These studies showed that FIR energy radiation activated the velocity and volatility of water, solubility of protein and most metabolic enzyme activity. Simultaneously, it was produced by these results for me to understand theoretically true characteristics of FIR energy at last.  In the next stage, effects of anti-oxygenic FIR energy radiating ceramics with the strong physical power to water and protein molecules on living body were analyzed. It was clarified from results of these studies that the FIR energy radiation induced inhibition of body weight increasing with obesity, activation of the wound healing and blood circulation at the surface of skin. Then, it was made clear that FIR energy radiation inhibited proliferation of various cancer cells by delay of cell cycle and hypertrophic necrosis. Still more, it was verified that FIR energy radiation inhibited growth of cancer implanted to immunodeficiency mouse by controlling metastasis and angiogenesis. Besides, it was also clarified that FIR energy radiation accelerated new bone formation and bone tissue repair, and was available for life support by oral administration.  I am going to develop clothing and cosmetics with flow acceleration for human and increase production of hatchery fish and farm animals, and maintain health of pet by oral administration of antioxidant FIR energy radiating ceramics by continuing the present study on FIR energy. Finally, I hope to utilize anti-oxidant FIR energy radiating ceramics for the treatment of periodontal disease and bone augmentation, cancer and lifestyle diseases in dental and medical clinical field with dental and medical doctors.


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