Estrogen を筋肉内注射により雌鶏に供与したる後その雌鶏の産む卵白内含有の estrogen の消長について


  • Estrogen オ キンニク ナイ チュウシャ ニ ヨリ メンドリ ニ キョウヨ シタル アト ソノ メンドリ ノ ウム ランパク ナイ ガンユウ ノ estrogen ノ ショウチョウ ニ ツイテ
  • Detection of Residual Estrogenic Activity in the Eggs Laid by Estrogen-Treated Hens



This study has been carried out to show whether or not the estrogenic residues are present in the albumen or in the yolk of the egg laid by a hen intra-musclarly injected with estradiol benzoate, the dose of hormone being 200,000-300,000 I.U. and injected in the breast muscle of a female bird. Albumen and yolk were separated respectively from each egg laid by the treated bird. An assay method was developed on the albumen or on the yolk to the ovariectomized rat, according to the Allen and Doisy's vaginal smear method. Results obtained in these experiments may be summarized as follows : (1) Amount of increase of estrogen was not detected in both albumen and yolk of the egg laid by treated bird within fifteen hours after the hormone injection. (2) Increase of the amount of estrogen was found in the albumen of the egg laid by treated bird in the time of seventeen hours or more after the hormone injection. (3) In the yolk of the treated egg a significiant change of amount of estrogen was not estimated. (4) Maximum amount of the hormone was detected in the albumen of the treated egg laid at about forty hours after the hormone administration to the bird. With the elapse of time from treating to laying, the detection of estrogen in the albumen of the treated egg decreased gradually, and slight effect of administerated estrogen was not found in the time of over 160 hours after the injeciton. (5) Maximum amount of estrogen which the writer fonnd in the albumen of the egg laid by the hormone treated bird was of approximately equal value to the amount of estrogen which the writer had found in female birds changed in both gonads and genital ducts of chick embryo by the hormone injection into the egg during the incubation.


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