Description of the lessons "relaxation technique" in adult health nursing practicum : Effects of relaxation and students' learning achivement

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  • 成人看護学実習における「リラクセーション技法」の試み : 学生が得られたリラックス反応と学びの分析
  • セイジン カンゴガク ジッシュウ ニ オケル リラクセーション ギホウ ノ ココロミ ガクセイ ガ エラレタ リラックス ハンノウ ト マナビ ノ ブンセキ

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The purpose of this study is to describe the lessons given for the sophomore of college students majoring in the nursing science, referring to the "relaxation technique" in their required subject of the adult health nursing practicum. In detail it was to let them understand and exercise four methods of relaxation, namely, the progressive muscle relaxation, the autogenic training, the music therapy and the aromatotherapy. As the result the students were able to learn about the following effects of relaxation in this course of study. 1. The higher effect of relaxation was obtainable especially with the music therapy and the progressive muscle relaxation. 2. Significant changes were noted in the lower scales of the profile of mood states(POMS),namely, "tension-anxiety(T-A)" and "depression-dejection(D)". 3. The effects of aromatotherapy depended on one's favorite fragrance. 4. Almost all the students experienced the effect of relaxation, and they were interested in the relaxation technique. 5. Most of the students thought deeply about the feasibility of intervening with the nursing care in the clinical site, and of assisting the patients from a profile of the psychological standpoint.


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