On the Pressure Drop in Upward Two-Phase Flow

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  • 上向き2相流における圧力降下について
  • ウワムキ 2ソウリュウ ニ オケル アツリョク コウカ ニ ツイテ

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In this report, the author gives more detailed definitions on some quantities relating to the two-phase flow. The points of the subject have been made clear, and the "pressure drop", commonly so called, is classified into three quantities; friction pressure eq. (10), pressure drop eq. (24) and pressure loss eq. (11). These three quantities have a close connection with one another through base pressure eq. (23), and are equal to pressure loss in the case of the single-phase flow. Based upon the assumption of shearing stress eq. (14), pressure drops and velocity distributions are calculated for annular two-phase flows. Calculated pressure drops are in agreement with experimental data.


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