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- 大根の糖及びミネラルの季節と乾燥操作による変動(人間環境学)
- ダイコン ノ トウ オヨビ ミネラル ノ キセツ ト カンソウ ソウサ ニ ヨル ヘンドウ
- Changes of sugar and mineral components on harvest season and dry-processing in radish (Raphanus sativus)(HUMAN ENVIRONMENT)
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The Japanese white radish (Raphanus sativus, cv. aokubi) is very popular and the most consumed vegetables in Japan. Dried strip of radish (Kiriboshi-daikon) is also one of the traditional preserved foods. In recent years, Kiriboshi-daikon attracts not only a great deal of attention that is rich in dietary fiber and minerals, but also a useful material for our healthy diet. In this study, the first of all, seasonal variations of constitutional sugars of fresh radish were investigated. Secondly, changing in nutrients of dry-processed radish was investigated. Sucrose (0.09g/100g f.wt.) is least of three sugars, fructose (1.21g/100g f.wt.) and glucose (1.30g/100g f.wt.) are similar amounts of raw radish. Sucrose is increased more 5 times, and fructose and glucose are more 2 times after dry-processing than raw materials. On minerals, calcium is 23mg/100g f.wt., magnesium is 11mg/100g f.wt., sodium is 9.0mg/100g f.wt, potassium is 330mg/100g f.wt., phosphorus is 8.8mg/100g f.wt. and iron is 0.2mg/100g f.wt. in raw radish. Calcium is increased 15 times and iron is increased 20 times after dry-processing. The results indicate that ratio between monosaccharides and disaccharides of radish varies through seasons, and drying is an effective processing for keeping qualities and improving flavor and texture of radish. Kiriboshi-daikon is useful for ingesting minerals, especially.
- The scientific reports of Kyoto Prefectural University. Human environment and agriculture
The scientific reports of Kyoto Prefectural University. Human environment and agriculture 57 7-11, 2005-12-25
京都 : 京都府立大学学術報告委員会
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1050282812602420864
- NII Article ID
- 110006198243
- NII Book ID
- AA11189254
- 7983503
- 13433954
- Text Lang
- ja
- Article Type
- departmental bulletin paper
- Data Source
- NDL Search
- CiNii Articles