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  • プラスチドへのタンパク質の集積機構 : Cu/Zn 型スーパーオキシドディスムターゼとグルタミン合成酵素のプラスチド局在型前駆体の構造とソーティングシグナル(農芸化学部門)
  • プチスチド エ ノ タンパクシツ ノ シュウセキ キコウ Cu Znガタ スー
  • Sorting mechanism of proteins into plastids : Structure of plastidic precursors for Cu/Zn-superoxide dismutase and glutamine synthetase, and the sorting signal for plastids (Agricultural Chemistry)

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To clarify the essential structure for plastid protein sorting, we compared the transit peptide seqeunces of spinach Cu/Zn-superoxide dismutase (SOD) or rice glutamine sythetase (GS) recently determined by us with those so far reported in other plant species. Alignment of the primary structures revealed the existence of several characteristic (i. e., basic, small hydrophobic or hydroxylated) residues conserved at specific positions within both SOD and GS sequences. Besides the characteristic features observed in the primary structures, common secondary structures were inferred to be indispensable for the functioning of the transit peptides as shown in the two chloroplast stromal proteins, GS and the small subunit of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase of rice plant.


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