体育学における人間学的論議:生成の階層性とその方向の二元性 : Spranger, E.の教育学を中心として


  • The anthropologic discussion in physical education as an academic discipline:A stratum of human-becoming and dualism of its direction - Based on the pedagogic theory of E. Spranger
  • タイイクガク ニ オケル ニンゲンガクテキ ロンギ セイセイ ノ カイソウセイ ト ソノ ホウコウ ノ ニゲンセイ Spranger E ノ キョウイクガク オ チュウシン ト シテ



There had been the anthropologic problem as the essential task of the philosophy of physical education as an academic discipline. The anthropologic investigation was important and inevitable in physical education as an academic discipline. The purpose of this study was to contribute to the development of anthropologic cognition in physical education through the analysis of the anthropologic discussion in E. Spranger's pedagogic theory. In this study, from the discussion, the viewpoint of human-becoming as one of the anthropologic moments in physical education had been derived; which was the stratum system including two directions, there were indicated three stratums in the essence of human-becoming as bellow; (1)the biological stratum ; for the vital spontaneous becoming (2)the cultural stratum ; for the cultural obtainable becoming (3)the metaphysical stratum ; for the worth creative becoming From above two directions in the essence of human-becoming were designated as bellow; (1)the horizontal direction ; for the concrete extension in the continuous process (2)the vertical direction ; for the essential enhancement in the non-continuous process






  • 仙台大学紀要

    仙台大学紀要 37 (1), 13-23, 2005-10-01

    柴田町 (宮城県) : 仙台大学

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