ケイトは誰を愛したか : 『鳩の翼』に潜むホモエロティックな欲望


  • ケイトは誰を愛したか--『鳩の翼』に潜むホモェロティックな欲望
  • ケイト ワ ダレ オ アイシタ カ ハト ノ ツバサ ニ ヒソム ホモェロティック ナ ヨクボウ
  • Whom does Kate love? : homoerotic desire concealed in The Wings of The Dove



This paper argues The Wings of the Dove is a text that conceals homoerotic desire: Milly Theale's romance includes her love for Kate Croy and Kate, who calls Milly a dove, needs Milly's love. It discusses the same expressions used by different characters, the meanings of romance, the replaceability of points of view, and Milly's illness.First, we argue Milly's romance represents her desire for Kate. The replaceability of characters is implied when the same words or phrases are applied to or used by two characters. In the novel Milly is set up as a princess of a romance. Milly always regards Kate as handsome and Merton Densher's gaze that desires Kate is shared with Milly. Milly's gaze parallels Merton's, so the prince of her romance can be Kate. Next, we discuss Kate's love for Milly. Descriptions about Milly's illness overlap with the discourse about homo-sexuality in the late nineteenth century. Accordingly, Milly's illness becomes a metonymy of Milly herself and may represent her identity. Endorsed by Eve Sedgwick's view that Milly's relation to her illness is “an echo precisely of Lionel Croy's homosexual disgrace," we argue that the relation between Kate and Milly has a homoerotic connotation. We conclude that the text involves an indication of Kate's love for Milly in their mutual gazing.

The Bostonians is also a story about a triangular relationship among the two female characters, Olive and Verena, and the key male character, Basil. However, it does not depict love between the two females as reciprocal. We finally point out that The Wings of the Dove contains a plot in which love between the two female characters is, in a sense, reciprocal.




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