

  • チュウゴク セイアンシ ニ オケル ガイロ クウカン ノ カツヨウ ケイタイ ニ カンスル ケンキュウ
  • Study on Efficient Use Formation of the Street in Xi'an City of China



In the paper, firstly, we clarified street's physical characteristics and use condition from cross-construction of street in Xi'an City of China. Secondly, we take three cases out and analyze formation of efficient use and awareness and evaluation of users of each case. The conclusions obtained are as follows: (1) Street is efficiently used as space for daily activity of people. (2) Conditions for efficient usage of the street as space for daily activity are as follows: (A) the needs of users (B) self-management system of association group mainly composed of users and roadside people and commercial people, (C) the characteristic features of street in itself. (3) Street has various usage types, one of which is that it can be used as space for communication, which is valued highly. But it is weak awareness of vital function because of road maintenance and improvement.


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